The deeply ingrained belief that time equals money permeates our society. Nienke Hoogvliet and Tim Jongerius argue that this mindset is fundamental to the ongoing ecological crisis. They propose that allocating more time to the processes of design and production could result in products being more carefully crafted, leading to their prolonged lifespan and reduced resource wastage.
In our contemporary world, we appear to be governed by ‘Chronos’ time – a concept embodied by the Greek god Chronos, representing measurable time and relentless continuity, synonymous with clock time. However, the ancient Greeks also revered Kairos, the god of the opportune moment. By cultivating tranquility, mindfulness, and precision, we create the conditions for seizing such moments. It is within these Kairos moments that novel ideas and breakthroughs emerge, driven by attentiveness, ingenuity, and a sense of wonder, thereby paving the way towards a brighter future.
The interactive installation ‘Kairos’ beckons visitors to momentarily detach themselves from the constraints of clock time and embrace the present moment in all its richness.