In ‘H.E.R.B.S.’ (Healthier Environment, Remedy for Body and Skin) Nienke researches alternative dyes for the chemicals now used in our textiles.
In 2012, Greenpeace researched how many garments still contain too many chemicals. The result is shocking: 63% of the 141 tested garments contained high concentrations of endocrine-disrupting or cancer-causing substances. The skin is our largest organ and has the ability to absorb substances. Nienke was wondering if we could turn this into something positive: can we dye fabric with something that contributes to our health?
The laboratory of Centexbel tested herbal dyed samples. This showed that the textile still contains all kinds of essential oils, which can be positive for our health. Why would we dye with harmful chemicals if we can also dye with natural herbs and help our body?