We believe waste doesn’t exist. That’s why we have decided to now also offer you the books that do not meet our quality standards. Instead of treating them as waste, we hope you still see their value and you don’t mind an ink spot, some bumps, or ink stripes. That’s why these copies are now available at a discount. See pictures for examples of the defaults.
These books have little damage, which means 1 spot/bump or stripe.
After working on seaweed research for more than 18 months, Nienke has collected all her findings in a book. During her quest to use seaweed to create a more sustainable textile industry, she was charmed by the beauty of seaweed as well as its great qualities. In this book she explains the differences between types of seaweed—illustrated with beautiful photos—and shows how it can be used in textiles. She hopes to inspire others to believe in this material that has so much potential.